Well, we're hanging in there...so far so good. My blood pressure has been maintaining and even lower than it was for a while most of the time. I feel pregnant and puffy and pretty miserable most of the time. Not to mention we're having the hottest summer in recorded history. It's been unbelievably hot here which isn't helping anything! I swear I might spontaneously combust somedays. I've been working from home when I can, which helps. We're so busy right now there is a ton to do and a lot of it I can do remotely luckily. I would not recommend having a baby a few months before you launch an electronic health record to anyone, it's hard work!
The baby looked great at our last ultrasound. It was measuring a week ahead already, but that's to be expected with as much trouble as I've had with the blood sugar. I have another this Thursday, so we're hoping there hasn't been a big jump. I feel the baby moving all of the time and know that it's doing well, and that's the most important thing! We'll know more tomorrow.
My doctor has assured me that we won't be forced to do a c-section because of size, although we have talked about it because of blood pressure. She said if my pressure is high we can't put my body through a marathon like labor. At this point I think it's maintaining enough that we are okay, but I know a lot can change in a few weeks. I think she's just trying to prepare me because surgery is really not something I want to do. I'm trying to stay positive and take it easy as much as I can without being completely immobile and it seems to be working. I've been limiting my sodium a ton and that's really helped too, plus it's just better for me and the baby.
We started trying to prepare for the little one, which is a lot harder than I thought it would be because we don't know the gender! I've washed the few gender neutral clothes we have and I'm going to make bows to match in case it's a girl. We put the crib together and just went ahead and put the boy bedding on it because it's in my son's room. I have the girl stuff at the top of the attic stairs and it can be changed before we come home if it's a girl. The boy stuff just matched his room and was already out so I just went with it rather than leaving an empty crib set up. I have 2 outfits for the hospital that are gender specific that I bought and will pack. It's just funny to plan for what you might want either way! I guess it only matters for those days in the hospital because as soon as we come home we'll wash the boy or girl stuff and it won't matter.
It is interesting how different things are the third time around. I have barely shopped for this one. With the first two I had everything set up and ready. We had everything you could possibly need or want...I guess the older you get the more you realize what really matters. We have what we need and we will be ready, whether we have a swing set up or not and whether or not we have a million clothes washed and folded in the drawers. Somehow it all works out...or so I hope!