Monday, February 21, 2011

Feeling Sluggish

These days my mornings are going kind of rough.  I'm battling the morning highs of pregnancy.  If I sleep in, I do great, but if I get up before 10AM I'm doomed for the first few hours of the day.  I woke up this morning at 7 to get ready for work and by 8 my blood sugar was 240...with no breakfast.  I've adjusted my insulin, I've tried skipping this point short of just sleeping until 10 every day I don't know what to do!  It's frustrating, but as I always say, this is my life and it's what I have to do...and so I press on.  Like this little turtle, I'll keep fighting!  Maybe my tight control the rest of the day will keep me from  having a 12 lb. baby! 

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