Monday, March 14, 2011

Milestones of a different kind

We all get excited about milestones...first words, first steps, first loose tooth...but in our house there are all kinds of different milestones to be thankful for.  About 2 weeks ago I was reading Reagan a story before bed.  We were laying there and I kept yawning thinking I was so tired I'd like to pass out...and I guess I did just that...only in the diabetic sense where my eyes are still open and I'm just not there.  Raising kids in a family with a diabetic, there are a lot of talks about the what ifs.  What to do if Mommy isn't talking, what to do if Mommy is acting funny, looks funny, etc.  There's a fine line between scaring them and making them aware that there is a problem and to take notice.  So, when they are finally aware it's a really big deal.  So, on this night, Reagan went and got her Daddy and told him Mommy isn't talking and looks funny.  He got me some juice and came right in.  We were so proud of her and praised her for noticing because in our little world this is a huge milestone!  She's finally old enough to be aware when something is wrong and even get help if she needs to.  I hate to put that pressure on my kids, but it's also a harsh reality of our lives. 

On another note, she also changed her earrings for the first time without tears, screaming, shaking or having to be sedated this week, and that my friends is a miracle in itself!!!

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