Saturday, April 2, 2011

Day 2~Abstemious...what?

So, day 2 of the HAWMC Challenge is the new word of the day post.  Go to a dictionary or dictionary website and write a post relating your disease to the word of the day.  So, I went to and found today's word:

\ ab-STEE-mee-uhs \  , adjective;

1. Sparing in eating and drinking; temperate; abstinent.

2. Sparingly used or consumed; used with temperance or moderation.

3. Marked by or spent in abstinence.
...and here we go!
There is a lot of misunderstanding about food when it comes to diabetes.  There is a difference in type 1 and type 2 and mine cannot be controlled with diet and exercise.  I don't have to limit what and when I eat for the most part.  People think that I have this disease because I ate too many sweets as a kid, or that since I have this disease, I should remain abstemious of anything with sugar, etc.  I've even had people ask me, "should you have that cupcake?"  Should anyone?  Probably not, but is it any worse for me than you...probably not.  I wear an insulin pump and count how many carbs I eat.  I can eat a cupcake, piece of cake, bowl of ice cream or pasta as long as I know how many carbs are in it and adjust my insulin accordingly.  Now, I know I shouldn't eat these things daily, or sustain on them alone, but neither should anyone else.  Remaining somewhat abstemious is always a good thing, especially if I want to remain healthy and keep my already failing body in tact, but it's not going to kill me to eat a cupcake today either.  I wish that there was more knowledge and understanding about diabetes, especially type 1.  There aren't as many of us and society's knowledge is lacking for sure.   Speaking of that, I saw a funny video recently on YouTube. This is a little spoof on the stupid questions parents of Type 1 diabetics sometimes get...even as an adult, I still hear them and yeah...knowledge is power!  Enjoy!

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